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Computer Therapist (FIJI)

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Home » 2014 » September » 26 » Home
7:55 PM











The Total Package.

From System Security and firewall issues on your Corporate, School,or Residential intranet network to database conversions, website design in CT,Flash video, SQL PHP,ASP, content Management software and e-commerce solutions, Computer Therapist provides comprehensive computer services such as Computer/Android/Cellphones Programming-Repair-Unlocking,Hardware sales & servicing, Data recovery, Networking, setting up of Internet Cafés, Website design & network support, Live Satellite TV Services, etc…

Tons of various sized businesses and organizations in Fiji utilize our services in the field of I.T & Computer.

Computer Therapist (CT) enables organizations to gain full advantage of IT to increase efficiencies, improve effectiveness, and reach new goals. Our CT team of highly experienced, knowledgeable technology and design professionals will work closely with you. We provide the analysis, expertise, tools, and monitoring to help you solve your toughest business challenges through IT solutions. 


Want a Comprehensive Network?

We install and integrate networks for maximum business effectiveness.

In fact, more companies rely on us for networking expertise than for any other single reason. Our team of network engineers perform full administration services for virtually any network.


SSAE16 Secure.

Formerly (SAS 70 Type II Certification)


Highly secure, PCI compliant and just plain cool. That's Our Data Center!

Gain the far-reaching advantages of the latest hosting technologies.

Computer Therapist offers a highly secured Data Centre that is compliant with S SAE16 Type II, (formally SAS 70  Type II certification) regulations. 

We’ll help you incorporate streaming media, email, database capability, and other IT technology if and when it will produce profitable business results.

Website Design

Move beyond static websites and into dynamic online experiences.

Today’s web customers are unmoved by unmoving websites. They expect more from your website than static words and pictures.  Leading companies now feature websites that rival storefronts.

Our professional website designers and programmers have the creative talent, the training and knowledge of current web standards and practices, and the ability to turn your web design ideas into reality! 

We've built websites with e-commerce, flash, video presentations, and advanced features that feed the mind, stimulate the senses, and appeal to the emotions-website design CT.   

Edit Your Site!

Our content management tool lets you edit pages, manage products & more.

Visit our site today to learn how easy it is to run your business website with our user-friendly and simple tool.

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